Hockey Dreams enables a better future through hockey. Community-based learning is co-created in Hockey Dreams Hubs. Coaches benefit from both formal and non-formal education. Coaches are positive role models and create a safe space for thousands of kids. Kids can engage in weekly trainings, or participate in camps or leagues. Besides hockey, there is attention to a social theme and to life skills. Together they play, share, learn and grow. Together, the coaches and players of today, are the game changers of tomorrow.
The Cap sur Haïti association would like to first build a neighborhood center in a disadvantaged area of northern Haiti, with the aim of helping families. These neighborhood centers will have a library, a games library, a canteen, a garden for the production of fresh food, an infirmary and a playground. They will also provide job training and skills development services to help adults find employment and escape poverty. By creating these Neighborhood Houses, Cap sur Haïti hopes to offer a sustainable solution to help families improve their quality of life.Thanks for your help
The Stichting or Foundation Teach Nepal Project is an official charity registered in the Netherlands. Set up in 2018 to support teachers and students in Nepal, provide books and educational materials to support teaching, organise and deliver training for teachers, contribute to school improvements related to educational development and provide advice to local staff. We are working to establish computer labs into schools in the Annapurna Conservation Area in the low Himalayas. Access to computers can change the lives of the children there. Your contributions through the donations from the many companies that support charities is greatly appreciated.
Can you imagine your wife, your sister, your mother, your daughter birthing a baby alone with no medical supplies, pain medicine, and no one there to help? All over the world, from sub-Saharan Africa to Central America, Asia, even parts of the United States, women are left to give birth alone, without life saving medicines, without pain intervention, and without support. OneMama changes this statistic by bringing medical clinics, midwives and nurses, medical supplies, and a marketplace for women to sell crafts & crops for family sustainability to rural places where people live on less than $1 per day. Just one birthing kit supports a woman giving birth and saves lives!
We zien in de samenleving een steeds groter wordende kloof tussen arm & rijk, gelukkig & ongelukkig, gezond & ongezond. Wij vinden het onbegrijpelijk dat er in Nederland 220.000 kinderen opgroeien in armoede, er 36.000 mensen dakloos zijn, er meer dan 590.000 ernstig eenzame ouderen zijn en er elk jaar meer dan 35.000.000 kilo zwerfafval op straat eindigt. In onze huidige samenleving zijn deze problemen voor veel mensen niet zichtbaar. Zij blijven in hun eigen bubbel en komen niet in aanraking met deze maatschappelijke uitdagingen. Mensen die wel willen bijdragen weten vaak niet hoe en waar te beginnen. Nederland telt meer dan 1,8 miljoen bedrijven en de werkzame beroepsbevolking bestaat uit meer dan 9 miljoen mensen. Wij willen de samenleving ervan weerhouden om naar elkaar te wijzen door nú in actie te komen en onszelf af te vragen wat we eerlijk en rechtvaardig vinden. NL Cares is op een missie om mensen en organisaties in staat te stellen en te inspireren om hun tijd, vaardigheden en middelen in te zetten om de grote uitdagingen van onze tijd het hoofd te bieden. Ons doel is om een ecosysteem te bouwen van actie & impact dat dient als een hefboom om de wereld in beweging te brengen op een manier die ons alleen nooit zou lukken. Een caring society bouwen lukt je niet alleen. Er is samenwerking nodig met individuele vrijwilligers en bedrijven. Maar ook met mensen en organisaties die voor de troepen uit lopen; van maatschappelijke organisaties tot impactnetwerken en van beleidsmakers tot fondsen. Alleen door het aangaan van samenwerkingen binnen alle facetten van de maatschappij kunnen we duurzame sociale verandering teweegbrengen. NL Cares heeft een enorm netwerk van partners gerealiseerd dat optreedt als een hefboom voor verandering. We leggen verbindingen tussen mensen, bedrijven en maatschappelijke instellingen en organiseren actie rondom betekenisvolle impact. Op deze manier bouwen wij samen aan een ‘caring society’ en een betere wereld. NL Cares bouwt een transformatief systeem bestaande uit 3 verschillende onderdelen - (1) een online platform voor vrijwilligerswerk, (2) CSR programma’s voor bedrijven, (3) social impact events. Samen dient dit systeem als een accelerator voor mensen en organisaties om betekenisvolle impact te maken. De afgelopen jaren heeft NL Cares duurzaam impact gemaakt door jaar op jaar duizenden vrijwilligers in te zetten die samen tienduizenden kwetsbare mensen bereiken. Zo worden er voedselpakketten ingepakt bij voedselbanken, wordt er gewandeld met ouderen, gesport met kinderen, stranden en parken opgeruimd, gesocialized met dak- en thuislozen en geïntegreerd met nieuwkomers. De komende jaren wil NL Cares haar ecosysteem verder uitbouwen om nog meer impact te maken. Dat vraagt om verandering, professionalisering en innovatie. Er zijn tal van technologische innovaties die het online platform voor vrijwilligerswerk nog relevanter en toegankelijker maken. De doorontwikkeling van Social Impact Eventconcepten maakt het mogelijk om op te schalen en nog meer impact te maken. Een verdiepingsslag in de manier waarop NL Cares haar impact meer zal helpen om nog meer bedrijven te inspireren te inspireren in de maatschappij. Hier is de komende jaren veel funding voor nodig.
Elke twee minuten sterft ergens ter wereld een vrouw aan baarmoederhalskanker. Ruim 85% van deze vrouwen is afkomstig uit ontwikkelingslanden. Het gaat vaak om jonge moeders die de spil zijn van het huishouden en onmisbaar zijn voor het gezinsinkomen. Wanneer zij wegvallen heeft dit grote gevolgen voor de familie en voor het dorp waarin zij wonen. Female Cancer Foundation streeft naar een wereld zonder baarmoederhalskanker. Dit doen wij door het ter plekke verlenen van zorg (screening en behandeling), het geven van educatie en voorlichting en het verrichten van onderzoek in het betreffende land. We werken hierbij altijd samen met een lokale partner. Daarbij richten we ons op goede voorlichting voor vrouwen (en mannen!) en trainen we lokale gezondheidswerkers in de See & Treat methode. Dit is een kosteneffectieve en simpele methode waarbij een vrouw onderzocht wordt op de voorstadia van baarmoederhalskanker en, indien nodig, direct behandeld wordt. Zie voor meer informatie:
Stichting verzamelt gegevens van alle goede doelen in Nederland, met als doel om de gehele sector meer transparant en daardoor efficiënter te krijgen.
Wij steunen vanuit Nederland een hondenopvang in Noord Macedonie. De opbrengst kan naar sterilisatie's, vaccinaties, voer, medische kosten etc. gaan.
[NL] Hockey Dreams Foundation steunt jongeren bij het realiseren van hun ambities. Hockey is niet het doel maar het middel; onderwijs en persoonlijke ontwikkeling staan centraal. Coaches kunnen terug naar school, hun diploma behalen en een vervolgopleiding doen. Coaches zijn verantwoordelijk voor trainingen, materiaal en andere aspecten van sportverenigingen. Zo ontwikkelen ze competenties om ook buiten het veld met vertrouwen dromen na te jagen. Coaches zijn tegelijkertijd rolmodellen en bieden duizenden kinderen een veilige en leerzame omgeving. [EN] Hockey Dreams enables a better future through hockey. Community-based learning is co-created in Hockey Dreams Hubs. Coaches benefit from both formal and non-formal education. Coaches are positive role models and create a safe space for thousands of kids.
Maak een nieuwe vrouwvriendelijke vorm van borstkankerscreening, de Early Warning Scan, mogelijk! Zodat bij iedere vrouw borstkanker pijnloos en vroegtijdig ontdekt kan worden (stadium 1). Voor grote groepen vrouwen is de huidige screeningstechniek ontoereikend, waardoor effectieve borstkankerscreening voor hen niet beschikbaar is. De markt pakt de ontwikkeling voor een nieuwe techniek niet op en financiering voor innovaties op dit gebied is zeer moeilijk. Daarom hebben vrouwen het heft zelf in handen genomen. We hebben in de afgelopen vier jaar voldoende financiering kunnen verwerven voor de ontwikkeling van een nieuwe veelbelovende techniek voor vroege opsporing van borstkanker: de Early Warning Scan. We hebben de ontwikkelaars in staat kunnen stellen om een prototype te realiseren. We willen deze nieuwe techniek beschikbaar maken voor vrouwen voor wie er nu geen screeningsmethode bestaat. Zoals voor vrouwen jonger dan 50 jaar, vrouwen met hoge borstdensiteit en vrouwen die nu niet mee willen of durven mee te doen aan het bevolkingsonderzoek naar borstkanker. DAAR HELP JE AAN MEE. GEWELDIG, TOCH!? #wedoitforthegirls
Days-for-Girls Smile Star'd Enterprise, Nakuru Kenya provide economic empowerment to women in the village who sew and make the reusable pads for providing women in needed communities and many Kenyan girls in schools. Alice Wambui Mwangi is a Kenyan woman training the girls on menstrual health and providing them with reusable washable sanitary pads to help girls stay in school with dignity and confidence.
Een unieke treinreis beleving in Nederland met de luxe van de Oriënt Express. Deze trein is voor iedere doelgroep. Hier wordt u tijdens de reis verwent met culinaire gerechten.
Carers Unite is a registered NPO run by Nicole Roberts, who aims to change the world one human at a time with your help. Our aim is to assist and empower the people in the community doing good that gets over looked because they don't have all the paper work needed. We assist good doers by raising awareness on our platform and providing them with our network and resources. We share our resources and network with people who share the same vision and who believes in community upliftment and sharing. We have created an activity book that helps underprivilege children to learn how to read and write, while providing them a meal and stationary with every pack distributed
Met guerrilla gardening verover jij de grijze openbare ruimte en maak je er een groene oase van. Guerrilla gardeners wippen stoeptegels voor geveltuinen, beplanten de kale grond rond bomen en zetten bloemen tussen de standaard struiken in het gemeenteperk. Met een bloemen-explosie in jouw plaats of buurt, geef jij de biodiversiteit een flinke boost. Dat levert levende straten vol vogels, vlinders en bijen. Stichting Guerrilla Gardeners helpt je om aan de slag te gaan. Dus hup! Naar het front en aan de slag!
P.R.O.O.S.T. houdt zich bezig met de organisatie en ondersteuning van kleinschalige evenementen ter bevordering van de leefbaarheid in de kleine kern Toldijk.
Soroptimisten zetten zich wereldwijd in voor het verbeteren van de posities van meisjes en vrouwen.
Wijkvereniging Bergermeer is er voor alle inwoners van de wijk Bergermeer in Alkmaar. Van belangenbehartiging tot gezellige activiteiten: de wijkvereniging doet het allemaal!
We zijn een zangvereniging die optreedt in verzorgingshuizen. We brengen bijvoorbeeld het repertoire van André Hazes, nummers die zeer herkenbaar zijn en vaak worden meegezongen.
Happy Green Islands is een organisatie die concreet bijdraagt aan een duurzame wereld. De Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) zijn de peilers. Onze focus ligt op het zwerfafval in de Molukken (Oost-Indonesië) In 2014 zijn we spontaan en redelijk naïef gestart omdat we de vervuiling van het mooie Molukken niet meer aan konden zien zonder daar zelf iets aan te doen. Afval verbindt mensen en organisaties. We noemen dat 'The United Power of Waste'. Afval kent geen grenzen, geen geloof en geen eigenaren. Daarom voelen ons goed thuis bij SDG 17 (samenwerking). 1. We faciliteren wetenschappelijk onderzoek 2. We organiseren voorlichting en milieu-educatie 3. Vrijwilligers en studenten die mee willen helpen om het afvalprobleem op te lossen zijn welkom!
Join us in supporting the Malukhu Muslim Charity Foundation’s Water Well Campaign for Kalafa Village. Access to clean water is a fundamental human right, yet many in Kalafa village struggle daily to find safe and clean water. Our mission is to construct 10 sustainable water well that will provide the communities with reliable access to this essential resource. Every donation, no matter how small, brings us closer to our goal. With your help, we can improve the health and well-being of families, reduce the burden on women and children who move long long distances for water, and empower the entire community. Together, we can make a lasting impact. Let’s bring hope and change to Kalafa Village
Stichting Vrij om te Leven biedt hulp aan mensen met een eetstoornis vanuit christelijk perspectief. Naast Bijbelse kennis biedt de stichting psycho-educatie, ervaringsverhalen en lotgenotencontact. Onlangs is het TOV-Huis gerealiseerd, een plek waar mensen tijdelijk kunnen verblijven om in een veilige, ondersteunende omgeving aan herstel te werken. De stichting combineert geloof, kennis en gemeenschap om deelnemers te bemoedigen op hun weg naar vrijheid. Met de Bijbel als basis en de kracht van verbondenheid staat Stichting Vrij om te Leven voor genezing en hoop: vrij om écht te leven.
Voel jij je wel eens eenzaam, verdrietig of heb je door een andere redenen niemand om mee te praten. De Luisterlijn biedt dan dag én nacht een luisterend oor voor iedereen in Nederland die eenzaam is of door andere redenen iemand zoekt om mee te praten. Onze vrijwilligers luisteren, zonder oordeel of mening, volledig anoniem en kosteloos. Zo kan eenieder die daar behoefte aan heeft zijn of haar hart luchten. Via telefoon, chat en e-mail staan wij paraat! Want als je écht luistert, hoor je zoveel meer! Wij luisteren niet om te helpen, maar helpen door te luisteren...
Koor Nova Zembla is een koor van mensen die allemaal met kanker te maken hebben (gehad), als patiënt, als nabestaande of als mantelzorger, familielid, vriend of vriendin. Wij zingen 1x per 2 weken op zaterdag ochtend van 10 tot 12 uur. Eens per 2 jaar organiseren wij een concert waarbij wij inkomsten voor ons koor genereren via kaart verkoop en verkoop van kleine cadeautjes. Zo hopen wij onze contributie zo laag mogelijk te houden voor onze leden. Wij willen de kosten die bij het organiseren van een concert horen zo laag mogelijk houden: de huur van de kerk en het dorpshuis, de flyers, de dirigent kosten etc. De donaties via doelshop gaan ons hierbij helpen: DANKJEWEL
Nuestro objetivo general es romper el ciclo del crimen. Lograr una verdadera reinserción social de las personas privadas de libertad, brindándoles acompañamiento mediante procesos restaurativos en las áreas espiritual, emocional, moral, legal, académica y laboral.
(사)행복한 마을은 공생(共生)의 삶을 통해 진정으로 행복한 삶을 영위하고, 세상에도 널리 행복을 전하며, 다양한 문화 활동과 세상에 이익되는 일을 행함으로써 모두 함께 행복해지고자 함을 목적으로 설립된 비영리 사단법인입니다.
APA (아시아 필란트로피 어워드, Asia Philanthropy Awards)는 종교, 이념, 분야, 단체의 규모 등에 대한 차별을 두지 않고 아시아 지역에서 필란트로피 정신을 실천하는 숨겨진 리더들을 찾아내 격려하는 상입니다. APA는 이런 시상을 통해 보다 나은 세상을 만들고자 하는 아시아의 개인 및 단체가 자신의 가치와 비전을 실현하는데 도움을 주는 것을 목적으로 합니다. 2015년 비영리 영역에 일하고 있는 100여 명의 사람들이 모여 시작한 APA는 아시아 지역에서 사회문제 해결과 공동체 가치 실현에 헌신하는 필란트로피스트를 찾아내 사회의 귀감으로 삼고 보다 나은 세상을 만들고자 시작되었습니다. APA가 다른 시상식과 차별화되는 이유는 정부와 기업, 또는 영향력 있는 개인의 후원 없이 비영리 활동가들이 독립적으로 운영한다는 점입니다. 시민과 비영리 활동가들이 자발적으로 참여하며, 5개 기준(공헌성, 혁신성, 신뢰성, 확장성, 지속성)을 바탕으로 엄격한 심사를 거처 수상자가 선정됩니다.
한국에 소재한 지역재단을 대표하며, 회원 간의 연대와 협력, 교육, 정책활동 등을 통하여 지역재단을 활성화하고 발전시켜, 기부문화 확산과 비영리 공익활동 지원, 지역사회의 공동체 복원과 발전도모를 하는 비영리법인입니다. (사)한국지역재단협의회는 2017년 5월 행정안전부로부터 허가받은 비영리법인으로, (재)풀뿌리희망재단(천안), (사)부천희망재단, (재)성남이로운재단, (사)안산희망재단, (사)강원살림, (사)충북시민재단, (사)광주희망재단, (사)대구시민재단, (사)인천시민재단, (사)관악뿌리재단, (사)경북시민재단, (사)충남시민재단 총 12개의 회원재단이 함께 하고 있습니다. 지역재단이란 지역사회의 변화와 발전이라는 공익적인 목적을 위해 기금을 사용하며, 다양한 지역사회 기관들과 협력을 통해 지역의 이슈를 공론화하고 문제를 해결해 나아가는 비영리 공익법인입니다. 지역사회에서 활동하는 지역재단은 지역공동체 성장을 돕고 정부와 지자체 예산만으로 해결하기 어려운 사회문제를 혁신적인 방법으로 문제를 찾아 지역의 변화를 만들고 해결합니다. 또한 민관, 기업, 주민의 협력 거버넌스를 구체적으로 연결하여 지역사회 인적 물적 자원을 통해 주민의 삶에 이로운 영향을 주도록 하는 것이 지역재단입니다.
부천희망재단은 2011년에 설립된 경기도 최초의 지역재단으로 복지사각지대에 있는 저소득층 이웃, 청년실업, 주거복지, 기후위기 등 지역사회의 건강한 변화를 위해 일하고 있습니다. 재단은 누구나 쉽게 참여할 수 있는 나눔 문화를 활성화하기 위해 다양한 활동을 운영하고 있으며, 시민들이 일상 속에서 자연스럽게 나눔을 실천할 수 있도록 돕고 있습니다. 함께하는 나눔을 통해 더 나은 내일을 만듭니다!
부천혜림원은 1976년에 사회복지 법인 백십자사에서 설립한 지적장애인 거주 및 자립 지원 생활 시설입니다. "세상을 잇다, 상생을 그리다, 복지공간 혜림"이라는 미션과 "지역사회 중심 서비스를 실천하는 community living partner"라는 비전에 맞추어 지적 장애인분들의 인권을 보장하며 쾌적한 주거 환경과 맞춤형 의료 서비스 및 문화 활동을 제공하고 나아가 자립을 통해 지역사회 구성원의 역할을 할 수 있게 지원하고 있습니다.
The Last Remnant Community Outreach NPO 217-065, is a Non-Profit Organisation. The organisation is a completely independent non-profit that supports and implements community programs, projects, and events. Raising awareness relating to social challenges like Lifeskills,GBV, DRUG AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE, GANGSTERISM, DISASTERS..including relieving poverty. TLRCO NPO aims to develop and educate women, youth, children, and later men, on life skills, trying to influence and encourage social change. TLRCO NPO's purpose is to equip communities with life skills while also developing participants through active teaching methods. to provide professional help to communities to excite people about opportunities and technology. The goal is to serve as a light of HOPE and restore dignity to poverty-ridden communities...especially our women, youth, and children.
Up To Me strives to create economic empowerment for abused women. Our 4 pillar approach includes, skills training, coaching and mentoring for sustainability, mental wellness for generational change and networking to overcome systemic challenges. Our name describes our attitude..If it is to be, it is Up To Me. Our slogan is "My Chance, My Change" Our beneficiaries are from the most disadvantaged areas of South Africa and our agreement with each beneficiary is simple..We will do our best for long as you continue to do your best for you. This proactive approach fosters confidence, accountability, the spirit of ubuntu, solidarity and ultimately a safer community.
Women who come from disadvantaged backgrounds are given the opportunity to turn their lives around. This Program focuses on Woman and Girls who do not have the privilege of accessing computers and hence we have designed this programme to equip them with the knowledge of basic computer usage. Women attend workshops to help motivate, encourage and nurture them with the necessary skills which, in turn, allows them to become financially independent. Meanwhile, the Girls and Women get better access to Education. The structure of this programme facilitates exposure to simple computer operations, email usage and furthermore, attempts to introduce them to the world of MS- Word, Excel & PowerPoint.
With the continuous rise of Human Trafficking and GBVF in South Africa, ACT Africa has set up a board game project (digital & hardcopy) aimed at educating young girls and boys starting in our South African schools then across the continent, then the rest of the globe about Human Trafficking and the pandemic of GBVF in order to educate and inform young male and female children about Human Trafficking and GBVF and prevent them from becoming perpetrators and or victims. Using play as a form of learning, the board games are intended to teach with understanding about various aspects of these issues. With the belief that instilling correct knowledge into young minds about Human Trafficking and GBVF from a tender age. The goal of this project is through corrective learning; our children will choose to not be future perpetrators of GBVF as well as get caught up in Human Trafficking as victims and/or as recruiters. We are aiming to reach 13 million school children across 25 000 schools in South Africa. The games will be group interactive, challenging and engaging. Designed for school children 10 to 18 years of age; it will use age-appropriate and quick-to-understand language. ™️
The Generositree initiative has been created with the aim to momentarily offer a hand-up to those in destitution. People are in desperate privation and a momentary boost of hope could help them regain momentum to press on. Assistance may vary and could range from, but is not limited to: helping a recent graduate with a bus/train ticket in respect of a job -a paid job opportunity alleviates poverty within a family; FREE resume assistance - data (to email applicant C.V.) & printing/ copying of documents; a food voucher - enabling a family's finances to be redirected to a more pressing need (e.g. emergency medical expense or starting a new job that requires money for travel).
Gabriella Centre is an NPO residential and holistic therapeutic educational care facility for children & young adults with severe to profound physical and Intellectual challenges such as Cerebral Palsy. We believe in inclusivity and this is why we strive to try assist persons whom are "differently-abled" to receive the same opportunities in life. It may take a little bit more time, patience and effort but we believe that each one of our attendees can overcome their challenges and are able to be their best self.
Fundanani Afrika is a youth discipleship and development non-profit organisation/ company established in 2020 by young people with a passion for the youth, discipleship and development. Our Projects and Programs: 1. Life Skills Training - this includes our menstrual hygiene, teen pregnancy, career guidance, tutoring and upliftment workshops and programs in schools and communities. 2. Skills Training - Innovation days, digital literacy training, hydroponic & urban farming, business training, sewing and culinary skills. 3. Sports - All Stars United FC (soccer team in Mamelodi West) 4. Community Youth Groups - Discipling youth by transforming the youth culture around them 5. Volunteerism
READ to RISE promotes youth literacy in under-resourced communities in South Africa. The organisation hopes to get children excited about reading through its class programmes and by giving new story books to children to own. Children who love to read, will excel at school and go on to become good constructive members of society. It all starts with reading. To date, READ to RISE has conducted over 6,000 class programmes around South Africa and given out over 260,000 new story books. For only R50 per learner, they will benefit from the READ to RISE class programme and receive a brand new book to take home. We work with 20,000 children at 77 primary schools in Mitchells Plain and Soweto.
Carers Unite is a registered NPO run by Nicole Roberts, who aims to change the world one human at a time with your help. Our aim is to assist and empower the people in the community doing good that gets over looked because they don't have all the paper work needed. We assist good doers by raising awareness on our platform and providing them with our network and resources. We share our resources and network with people who share the same vision and who believes in community upliftment and sharing. We have created an activity book that helps underprivilege children to learn how to read and write, while providing them a meal and stationary with every pack distributed
Twice a week Intsapho Teen Movement distributes app 400 meals to the homeless in Wynberg/Plumstead/Southfield community - at Die Gatjie (Diep River) Informal Settlement ; Kampies (Ottery) Informal Settlement and Flamingo Crescent Informal Settlement (Lansdowne) We also try and reach out to the homes of desperate Families / Teens in Cape Town providing food/stationary/Ssanitary Products and Toiletries; where and when we can. Intsapho Teen Movement does not receive core funding and largely rely on the generosity and commitment of family members and friends and business establishments to contribute to the cause
Caring for children and their families in Kayamandi, Stellenbosch We feed 2000 children daily, and provide 30 internships for unemployed youths who work as education activators with Grade R - Grade 6 learners daily at our centre. We provide 100 unemployed women monthly food parcels as a supportive intervention for six months on our Sustainable Livelihoods Programme. We have vegetable gardens, workshops, training, mentorship, counselling and a book-sharing library for parents cannot afford to send their children to creche.
The Pebbles Project is a non-profit organisation founded in 2004, driven by the values of courage, commitment, compassion and integrity. Working with children from birth to 25 years they seek to support Western Cape farming communities by creating life-changing opportunities that target vulnerable children and their families. What makes Pebbles unique is the holistic support it offers, from health and nutrition to academic intervention, special educational needs, social and emotional support, and parent and community engagement.
The Fusion Inyameko Foundation SA has been serving communities since 2012, with a focus on youth development and humanitarian support. One of our bigger projects is our annual relief road trip, where we visit communities on the outskirts of Cape Town. In previous years we’ve visited Hermanus, Atlantis and Klapmuts. We’ll be visiting the Malmesbury community on Wednesday 09 November. Our road trip will include a visit to three underprivileged schools where we’ll be gifting the following to these youth: Personal development workshops Cooked meals to all learners 500 Hygiene packs 200 Food hampers
In today’s world, a one-size-fits-all approach to community transformation is often impractical, as no two communities share the same poverty indicators, demographics, assets, and pain points. Our programmes deliver sustainable solutions to problems that have been mapped at community level. Love Howick delivers community transformation in the KZN Midlands by working to eliminate poverty and unemployment, rebuild and maintain community infrastructure, create a positive community narrative, and sustain the environment. Love Howick operations are powered by dynamic public/private partnerships we develop between stakeholders.
Without access to accurate menstrual education, girls are often absent from school during menstruation, missing up to four days of school every month. 1/3 of girls in South Africa report staying out of school during menstruation, others drop out of school completely. The reason is often as simple as they cannot afford, or do not have access to, basic feminine hygiene products. Wild Hearts Foundation Africa was founded to keep girls in school, and is committed to addressing the problems of menstrual education and accessible hygiene products while employing women to work in our factory which has manufactured and distributed over 68 000 reusable sanitary pads to school girls.
The Western Province Chinese Association (WPCA) is a non-profit formed to support the Chinese community in the Western Cape. The WPCA Community Centre hosts sporting, educational and cultural activities run by groups within or connected to the organisation. We provide a safe environment for the intergenerational community and friends to socialise, grow and learn from each other. The centre hosts several events including a Chinese New Year lunch and annual Chinese Food Fair to celebrate Chinese culture. Many of the fundraising initiatives are for the upkeep of the premises, without which would fall into disrepair. The centre remains a home to develop and grow friendships and relationships.
The Roll a Hippo Foundation improves the lives of marginalized women and children in rural South Africa by providing families with the innovative hippo water roller that transforms the backbreaking chore of collecting household water. At the core of our program is a simple innovation that will transform the way women engage with the ‘last mile’ of water collection, and return to them the time to pursue more empowering personal, social, educational, and economic opportunities. For less than the cost of a Netflix subscription each month, you would provide a hippo roller that could support a family of up to 10! Fur further information, please visit our website at:
We are an exceptionally large family; we have also learned that sharing is caring from an incredibly early age. I have seen poverty in South Africa since I have been a teenager in the years to come, I have come to know many people that works with orphan children that was in dire need of a safe haven and a place to call their home. As a mother of 4 boys, I know what it feels like to have had days that I didn't know where the next meal will come from, we have settled our roots in a small town in South Africa called Stillfontein. with a population of 18 000 people and Kuma 64 000 people this is a very big demand and we at Caring Wings for hungry tummy’s have pledged to start changing poverty
Mpumalanga Youth Council Organisation a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of vulnerable children and youth in our community. We are thrilled to learn about your commitment to supporting charitable causes and would like to request your assistance in our project - Myco Shoe Drive. The Myco Shoe Drive is an initiative aimed at providing shoes to vulnerable children and youth, especially school shoes. Many children in our community come from low-income families and cannot afford new shoes, which can have a significant impact on their health, education, and self-esteem. By providing them with comfortable and durable shoes, we hope to improve their quality of life.